München: PhD scholarship
PhD position (Munich): 4-year funding
The Chair for Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience at the Technical University of Munich is looking for an ambitious young scholar interested in pursuing a PhD on Health-Related (Mis-)Information on Social Media and Its Impact on Young Adults (HARMONY). The selected candidate is expected to review existing literature, conduct focus groups with young adult social media users, and contribute to an analysis of health-related media content targeted at young adults. In addition, they will be supported in shaping the direction of their own research.
The doctoral scholar will be part of a dynamic team at the Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine, offering ample opportunity to interact with its other members working on related topics. Since the project is conducted in cooperation with TU Eindhoven, the scholarship holder will be embedded in an international work environment and receive generous financial support for research stays abroad during their doctorate. The project is led by Prof. Dr. Marcello Ienca (TU Munich) and Dr. Lily Frank (TU Eindhoven), and coordinated by Dr. Dr. Georg Starke (TU Munich).
Please find further details of the offer on our website: https://portal.mytum.de/jobs/wissenschaftler/NewsArticle_20250310_150608
Deadline for application is April 20, 2025.